17-year old girl was born with a rare disease and has no private parts! Unbelievable!

Ask every girl around the world, they all dream  of  walking down the aisle, building a family and raising children, someday. And giving birth is the essence of a woman, for only she can accomplish this very task. What would a female feel, if she found out that on her adolescent years, she could never be a full woman in the truer sense.

This rare condition of a 17-year old girl has send a shock to billions of people worldwide. British teenager - Jacqui Beck seeks the help of a doctor for her back pain and accidentally brought up the subject that she hadn’t started her periods. Tests were conducted afterwards and to her disbelief,  the doctor revealed  her status – she was born lacking of the female important parts. Jacqui has no womb, cervix, vagina and vaginal opening. Totally upset, all she want to do is run for the door...

Jacqui Beck’s condition is known as MRKH  or Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser Syndrome (named after the physicians who first diagnosed  it),a congenital anomaly  that  mainly involves the reproductive system and causes the vagina and uterus to be  underdeveloped or nonexistent. Statistically, according to National Institutes of Health, this syndrome affects one in 4,500 girls. Females with MRKH  have normal external genitalia and undergo puberty, they only discover their condition  once they engaged in intercourse or doesn’t start having menstruation by age of 16.

Jacqui was totally freaked out sitting with a Gynecologist who explained to her that she didn’t have a womb or a vagina.  Doubtful at first, it all came to light especially when she found out that  it is the reason why she wasn’t having her periods.  She was ashamed of telling her family and friends about her condition. Jacqui admits that she was really angry and felt like she wasn’t a real women anymore. “All the things I had imagined doing suddenly got erased from  my future”,  she told the Daily Mail.

In spite of it , Jacqui  was optimistic and want to raise awareness about MRKH. She views it as a way of making sure she meets the right man. She said: 'If he has a problem with it, then he’s not the kind of guy I want to go out with.” “I’m a hopeless romantic and I see it as a great test of someone’s character. Instead of focusing on it putting off men,  I actually think it will help me find, “the one”.

MRKH  has no cure but there are several options available. Jacqui is now undergoing medical procedures  allowing her to engaged on  intercourse in the future. She has come to terms with MRKH, together with her understanding and supportive family...

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17-year old girl was born with a rare disease and has no private parts! Unbelievable!
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