2 Young Girls are in a critical condition after this shocking incident happened!

Highway accident
Image from the incident

Reckless driving can result in a quick death. Some people make haste because of their own reasons. Some do not think about others just to look cool or impress other people with the way they are handling their cars. Also, many people don’t think about the rules and policies to make a decent and safe way to go to their rendezvous point safely.

Like this video that you are about to watch. Two cars banged each other in highway.

In this accident two girls are in very critical condition. After they hit each other with their cars a girl suddenly flied in the front seat because of the collision that made from the impact of the cars. The incident happened in Davao del sur. Fortunately, there are other good Samaritan in the area that willing to hitch a ride to get the victims in the hospital and make haste to have them treated. This video becomes viral in a day after being posted in a social networking site. Other netizens said that the two victims are already dead on arrival but on the other hand they declared that the victims in this video are already safe from danger because of the fast responds of the town folks.

A great lesson from this accident. Don’t impress others because you have a car, impress others because you have an ability to take them from a safe place.

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2 Young Girls are in a critical condition after this shocking incident happened!
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