An Extraordinary Video Of A Virgin Mary Statue Opening Her Eyes

Miracles do happen. That’s what they say! Miracle presents  itself  to those who believe, to strengthen their faith; and to the non-believers to redeem them.

This sensational video is about the statue of a Virgin Mary -Addolorata, who opens and closes it eyes during the annual procession of Our Lady Of Sorrows at the church of  Santa Maria Maggiore in Ispica SE Sicily – Italy. The extraordinary occurrence was captured on film by a 24-year old Mexican named, Domenico Di Martino. He was mentally and physically disabled.  Domenico noticed that the statue opens and closes it eyes. Despite the fact that he was bewildered,  he excitedly  used  his new video camera to record this unbelievable event. After that occurrence,  he claimed  that his condition has greatly improved.

The Our Lady of Sorrow is a title given to Our Blessed Virgin Mary because it depicts her extreme suffering and grief during the passion and death of Jesus Christ. In a way, most people view this phenomenon  as  a sign that  Our Blessed  Mother Mary can witness our pain  and she  is not blind to our suffering; or,  Domenico’s misery at that time for that matter – for  this miracle was shown unto him. Despite that  many people stated and claimed  this incident to be a hoax  -  numerous devotees view it as a sort of good sign, a blessing...

Believer or not,  people should respect each others opinion on this matter. Because in spite of the humanity’s  various differences such as  race, gender, culture, language,  nationality  and  religion –   still, there are things that bind us all together. And, isn’t that a miracle?

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An Extraordinary Video Of A Virgin Mary Statue Opening Her Eyes
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