Terrifying Video of a Girl Placed Inside a Plastic Bag?! Must Watch!

Terrifying Video of a Japanese Girl who was placed inside an air vacuumed plastic bag and was suffocated because the guy vacuumed the air out of the plastic!

A lot of netizens were shocked after they've watched the video that you'll be able to watch below. If in case the video won't play anymore please contact us on our Facebook Page! Also if you might notice once the guy vacuumed the air inside the plastic he decided to take pictures of the girl as she struggled to catch her breath.

Some would think, that the girl might be stupid for going inside, but if you'll look closely, at first you'll see a mannequin like girl inside but as time passes by that the air is being sucked out of the plastic you'll see that she's struggling and shouting. One thing is for sure.  The girl was drugged, the perpetrator even tied her hands behind her to make it hard for her to get out of the plastic bag.

Please be warned that the video that you'll watch below contains scenes that aren't for kids.

S/C: Wanna Scare?

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Terrifying Video of a Girl Placed Inside a Plastic Bag?! Must Watch!
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