Jayda Avanzado will be the front act for the concert of the British Pop Band 'The Vamps!'

A bright future is indeed waiting for the lovely 12 year old Jayda Avanzado, and it looks like 2016 is the year for her to start her singing career in the industry. Jayda has been posting some videos of herself while singing some hit songs through her Instagram account.

And now, after being a surprise guest to her mom's, Jessa Zaragoza-Avanzado, successful concert, the news about her being a front act to the concert of the British Pop Band "The Vamps", has been confirmed, as she, herself had posted a photo on her Instagram about the great news. Her proud parents were happy about the news and continues to support and love her all the way!

S/C: Showbiz Vids

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Jayda Avanzado will be the front act for the concert of the British Pop Band 'The Vamps!'
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