Life is fragile, it can pop easily like a bubble floating in the air and quickly as possible it can disappear with just a blink of an eye! Remember, we only got to live our life once and in order to make the best of it and enjoy every single pages and chapters of your/our very precious life, take time to appreciate SAFENESS, take and consider all the possible precautionary measures to get rid of any impending, actual danger or any life threatening circumstances.
BUT, TAKE NOTE OF THIS! There are individuals in this world that no matter how cautious, mindful or careful they are... SADLY AS IT IS, "DEATH" for them is inevitable and therefore with this, let us always be kept reminded of the old saying "WHEN IT'S YOUR TIME, IT'S YOUR TIME!". Watch this compilation of video clip perfectly timed and captured moments of this LUCKY PEOPLE "CHEATS DEATH!"
Via Facebook
BUT, TAKE NOTE OF THIS! There are individuals in this world that no matter how cautious, mindful or careful they are... SADLY AS IT IS, "DEATH" for them is inevitable and therefore with this, let us always be kept reminded of the old saying "WHEN IT'S YOUR TIME, IT'S YOUR TIME!". Watch this compilation of video clip perfectly timed and captured moments of this LUCKY PEOPLE "CHEATS DEATH!"
Scary Near Death Accidents Caught on Cam!