Today is the day: You dressed your best,
practiced the dos and don’ts, and made your way to the meeting place. When you
go on your very first date, you can only hope everything sides with your plan.
Kalyeserye’s most recent episode on
Saturday, September 19 – the much awaited first date of Alden and Yaya Dub
broke last week’s record of 6 million at more than 10 million tweets making it
Twitter’s most talked about topic worldwide.
To find their way towards their dining
room, Alden and Yaya Dub were tasked to get at least 7 questions correct by
picking the same answer to each question. The couple took a while and had
difficulties getting the right answer, but as one popular quote says “Love will
always find a way.” Eventually, after getting the final question correct, they
got to see each other once more.
Much to our dismay, it has been one of
those so-close-yet-so-far encounters again as they were parted by a long table.
The two shared a fun meal, occasionally dubsmashing and doing pabebe waves, but
just when we thought it could not get any worse, Yaya’s alarm rung, indicating
that it’s time for Lola Nidora to take her “chiwabol” medicine that happened to
be in her bag.
She rushed outside, leaving a saddened
Alden alone.
But it wouldn’t be a complete Kalyeserye
episode without a cliffhanger. By the end of the episode, a loud breaking sound
(like of a car’s) was heard seconds after Yaya left.
Could it be that Yaya Dub got into an
unfortunate accident?
There was chemistry. There was a strong
You're so excited! You have a first date.
When you have a great first date, it's
usually because both people are able to find out about the other person
and at the same time communicate things
about themselves.
Tonight is the night: You’ve dressed in your finest, popped a breath mint, and are headed off to meet someone who could be The One
Via Facebook
AlDub’s Much Awaited First Date and A Cliffhanger. What happened to Yaya Dub?