Mysterious Artworks of Teen Actress Julia Buencamino Before She Commits Suicide, Signs that she was depressed?

Heartbreakingly, 15-year old teen actress Julia Louise Buencamino who stars as Janella Salvador’s best friend in ABS-CBNs TV Series - Oh My G!, was found dead inside their house  last Tuesday, July 7 at around 8:20 p.m.. Their housemaid Elsa Orsales, found her hanging from her bathroom’s ceiling with a rope looped around her neck.  Allegedly, the housemaid look for help of Gregorio Martin, Julia’s brother -  who brought her to Cardinal Santos Medical Center in San Juan City. Sadly, Julia was pronounced dead on arrival at 8:46 p.m.

Julia Louise Buencamino Commits Suicide
Julia Louise Buencamino was the youngest among the four children of actor Nonie Buencamino and actress Shamaine Buencamino. Awaiting any formal investigation,  Nonie Buencamino “executed a written waiver manifesting not to pursue the investigation as they fully believed that their daughter committed suicide,” said by Police Officer 2 Virgilio Mendoza of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Unit of the Quezon City Police District said that The family  requested to mourn Julia’s passing in private.

In the midst of  Julia’s reported death, the artworks she posted in her Instagram account went viral. Many, found her artworks quite disturbing. They view it as sign that Julia is undergoing some major depression and venting it out through her drawings. Even the captions on her paintings can send goose bumps! It’s like, she has an  intuition that her end  is near. Could she be depressed? Depression  is a major risk factor for suicide, due to the strong feeling of despair and hopelessness – a person feels like death would be an ultimate solution to avoid one’s suffering.

Suicide or not, the Buencamino family is undoubtedly devastated from their lost. Understanding, support and prayers are the only help one could extend to them.

Julia will surely be missed, by her loving family and fiends. Sincere condolences to the Buencamino family. To Julia Louise Buencamino – Rest In Peace

Julia Louise Buencamino Commits Suicide

Julia Louise Buencamino Commits Suicide

Julia Louise Buencamino Commits Suicide

Julia Louise Buencamino Commits Suicide

Julia Louise Buencamino Commits Suicide

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Mysterious Artworks of Teen Actress Julia Buencamino Before She Commits Suicide, Signs that she was depressed?
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