MIRACLE: Defied dead for three times? Such a miracle for this baby

His mother was in a dangerous pregnancy, she has complications. Little Charlie Collins was born by emergency Caesarean-section and nine weeks premature.

Miracle BabyAfter his birth, he had to be resuscitated. His mother Lucy, a 29-year-old wedding planner in England said "When he was born, he was completely blue, and had to be whisked away and put on a ventilator,"

The next 24 hours for him was critical. The doctors told Lucy that Charlie would not survive, they told it three times. When he was 3 weeks old, Charlie suffered from a heart attack, but he still held on. "He kept fighting" and now hes a very happy little boy, who's no different from any other 6-month-old."

This is how God show love and compassion for all of us.

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