MIRACLE: 1 in 10 chance of surviving, What will happen next will surely make you happy!

January, after 24 weeks of pregnancy, Nicki Moore gave birth to her baby girl. Her baby weighed just 9 ounces. All the Doctors of North Carolina was shocked. They told that almost all of the small and tiny baby, had a rate of 1-in10 chance of surviving, and it was historically recorded. Nicki was worried.

9 ounces baby
She prays and believe that her baby can recover fast. After more than four months in the hospital, her 9 ounces baby Kenna is 3 pounds, 3 ounces. She was moved from an incubator to a crib. All the doctors are happy for Nicki and to her baby, as they starting to talk about the day when they can be able to go home.

"Science says that a lot of this isn't possible," Moore says.

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MIRACLE: 1 in 10 chance of surviving, What will happen next will surely make you happy!
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